Úvod DAQ Zber dát - GW Instek Moduly GW Instek DAQ-908 20-ChannelActuator/General Purpose Switch

GW Instek DAQ-908 20-ChannelActuator/General Purpose Switch

  • SPDT (Form C) latching relays
  • 300 V, current 1 A actuation and control

More detailed specifications and dimensions of available models are specified in data sheet. Detailné informácie

Cena bez DPH € 453.05
Cena s DPH € 557.25
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Kód GW_DAQ-908

Záruka 24 mesiacov

Detailný popis GW Instek DAQ-908 20-ChannelActuator/General Purpose Switch

DAQ-908, a general purpose switch module with 20 independent single pole double throw (SPDT) relays, can be used for power cycling in DUTs, control indicator lights and status lights. DAQ-908 can also activate external power relays and solenoid valves. While combining DAQ-908 with matrix and multiplexer modules, switching systems can be customized. 300 V and 1 A contact can handle up to 50 W, which is sufficient for multiple powerline switching applications..


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